Archive for July 2013

Week 1: Hola Famila!!!!!!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Ahhhh I cant believe i get to talk to you guys! thanks for all the emails and love! this wont be a perfect email because its a spanish keyboard and i struggle haha. So let me tell you about why i got here sooo late. My vegas flight to Dallas didnt leave till 9:35 and i called salk lake telling them i was going to be there late and they said it was fine. But when i got to dallas i had already missed my mexico flight and the next on wasnt till 5:30 and then it got delayed till 6. The good was that there was 3 other Elders with me on the flight so we just stayed together. I just slept the whole time, and it was so confusing going through mexico airport, ha they like interogated me on why i was here it was kinda funny, and when the people that pick us up saw me they were like, we thought you were dead or something! You were suppose to be here wayyy earlier, and all this and i said i called but i guess salt lake never called them so who knows but yet it was still funny. ha they call me the lost sister. sounds like a movie title. So i didnt get to the MTC till like 10:45 and I met my companion! Hermana Winters, she is from Bountiful Utah, and i love her!!! She is way cool! She is going to El Salvador, so thats awesome. She is an amazing singer and piano player, and really outgoing and funny, so we get along great! We are really similar so thats awesome. So the MTC is here is BEAUTIFUL! everything around it isnt so nice, but it is gorgeous here!! It is the largest MTC in the world with 90 acres (provo has only 40) so its huge! and there arent that many missionaries here yet cuz it just opened so there is probably only 300-400 and it can house like 2000 so there is alot of room! numbers should be doublng like every other week! so its really exciting, and there is actually not that many hermanas here! there is one pair of hermanas per district so its not that many. and its an outdoor campus so you get to walk alot! the only bad thing is that is rains really hard! they told us it rains everyday for like 45 min but the last three days its hasnt! but it rained so hard on thurdsay that all the power went out! we were in a meeting too so we had to use the leaders iphones haha. But this p´lace use to be a borading school, and the First presidency decided to make it to an MTC. We all live in little casas, that hold 20 people. They are awesome. They each have a kitchen, a living room, a laundry room, and then our rooms. there is ´people to a room! and for every pair of American Companions there is Latin Companions as well! so we live with 2 hermanas from mexico going to mexico and they are so sweet! haha they help us with our spanish and we teach them some english so it works! tehy are Hermana Flores and Hermana Riva. They say my spanish is awesome! I felt very proud. hahah. So our Presidnt here is Presidnet Pratt who used to be Elder Hollands missionary companion when he was also a general authority. Him and his wife are awesome! scary at times because they are really strict but awesome nonetheless! We have class everyday where we seriously study spanish for like 5 hours. Its hard because i dont know church words, so im in the same boat as everyone, but my teacher Hermana Sheerwood from Nephi Utah says that my accent is great, I like that! I think i am a little ahead in spanish than everyone else, and they always ask me questions because i can undertsand alot but its still tough! Pray that i can be able to get the language! I just hate grammar... thats the toughest part. But i love being here honestly. Alot of the Hermanas say the first week was the toughest but i have LOVED it here. I have felt the spitit soo strong! And whoever is in your class is your district and i have THE BEST distirct. LIke we are all bestfriends. Its funny because you can tell that were all the kids that were really talkative in school, and had really loud voices that carry. We all get along so well, hahah some times too well, because sometimes were too loud! hahah but i love them so much! One of the elders that was on the plane with me is in my district and is now out distirt leader! Its awesome, i just cant explain to you how fun everyone is. We have gym time every night so we play volleyball everyday and its just a blast. We have awesome devotionals, and lessons given by President Pratt, and his wife, and we watch other devotionals that were given in the MTC in provo so thats cool. We got to see the one Elder Barnes was actually in Janurary so that was way cool! We started teaching a fake investigator on our 3rd day here, and its really intimidating teaching in a language you dont completly know but its amazing!!! I love teaching! The spirit honestly just helps you with the spanish soo much. We just taught out investigator Juan yesterday our third lesson, and it was amazing. We went in with the spirit, and it was so cool, He didnt believe in a god in our first lesson, and he does know that we show him that He loves him, and the book of mormon was true and we bore our testimonies of jesus christ and i started to have tears in my eyes when i was bearing my teatimony and he started to have tears too. It was cool because you know these are fake investigators, and they become your teacher when your done teahcing them, but it was cool that he was able to feel the spirut too being my fake investigator. Me and my companion as soon as we left the room balled in the next room and were so proud that we were able to have the spitit teach and not us. and it was funny because all the other elders couldnt commit him to pray or anything so when we came in crying they were like what the heck! how do you guys do it?! its all by the spirit is amazing what is can do. The food here is a cross between Mexican and American hahaha. There are tortillas at every meal of course, and some american foods such as waffles, and pasta salad, and pancakes, but there is beans at every meal. conchitas which make me happy, and others things i cant think of but its good! I love all the people i have met and its just been an adeventure! I love it so much, and i know i am suppose to be here. I am so excited to learn more, i Love all of you, and i miss you all! I hoep you guys have a good week!!

con amor, Hermana De La Vega

ha everyone calls me Hermana De La Vega de Las Vegas its funny.


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First email from Sister De La Vega

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Hi brother!! okay so for some reason i cant email mom because it s spanish ket board and im confues but tell momand dad that i am safe, and that my flight got delayed twice and thats why i got here so late but i came with 3 elders so i was always safe! hahah they love me because i know more spanish then them, and have to ask me everything! i love you guys so much but i have to go!!!! talk to you all soon! tell mom and dad that i love them so much!

adios! hermana delavega

(typos because apparently the keyboard is in spanish :) haha)

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